"Each time a pope takes ill, the winds of a conclave always feel as if they are blowing," Francis writes in his new memoir, referring to centuries-old tradition of cardinals gathering in the pope's official residence, the Sistine Chapel, after a pontiff's death to elect the next.
In Pope Francis' autobiography Hope he reiterates themes of his papacy like hatred of war and unchecked capitalism, and a desire for the Catholic Church to be seen as a field hospital, not a fortress.
Rome's chief Jewish rabbi on Thursday sharply criticised Pope Francis over the pontiff's recent ramping up of criticism against Israel's military campaign in Gaza, in an unusually forceful speech during an annual Catholic-Jewish dialogue event.
Pope Francis' autobiography is being released Tuesday. In it, an introspective pope divulges some of the behind-the-scenes dynamics of the secret 2013 conclave that elected him pope and the resistance he has encountered ever since.
One of Francis’ lasting reforms will be his reshaping of the papacy to embrace simplicity and humility. In his new autobiography, “Hope,” he shows remarkable openness about his own failings.
Pontiff says Church ‘governed using the head and the heart, not the legs’ as he discusses health problems in autobiography
Among the traditional religious activities that can earn one an indulgence — such as pilgrimage to holy sites, acts of charity and saying special prayers — Pope Francis introduced a new option: a call to fast from the internet and social media.
With his new encyclical, Pope Francis added his voice to this chorus of encouragement inviting people not to lose heart.
ROME—An introspective, Pope Francishas divulged some of the behind-the-scenes dynamics of the secret 2013 conclave that elected him pope and the resistance he has encountered ever since, in his autobiography that was released on January 14 that also doubles down on some of his more controversial decisions as pontiff.
Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni, the chief rabbi of Rome, made the remarks during a meeting at Rome's Pontifical Lateran University
Unlike that of his only Catholic predecessor in the job, John F. Kennedy, Biden’s Catholicism, White said, “was embedded both in his persona growing up, in the tragedies that have marked his life. It is a huge part of his persona, in a way that’s unlike Kennedy, who was quite private.”