Sleepy Hollow's new all-season tubing hill is expected to return this spring after a bumpy start that closed it shortly after its grand opening.
The turf will cover more than 100,000 square feet, upgrading the existing Rhonda Brake Shreiner Soccer Field in Kris’ Meadow.
At its regular meeting on March 4, the Auburn City Council approved a $276,327 contract with Gonzalez-Strength ...
Callaway Stadium is getting a new and improved field. The Troup County Board of Commissioners has approved a project to ...
A $480 million school bond was passed in 2023 to make upgrades at TUSD. Pueblo High School is wondering when their football field will be renovated with those funds.
As part of the first phase, the field’s grass is being replaced with artificial turf, with additional improvements being made ...
Wilson College is excited to announce plans to install a new state-of-the-art artificial turf field with the goal of having ...
After deliberating on characteristics and costs of materials, the Carson City Board of Supervisors made their selection: ...
Major improvements will be coming to athletic facilities at some high schools in Aiken County. North Augusta High School is ...
Parker Little League is looking forward to their 2025 season, and one of the things they’re looking forward to is the new ...
Debbie Fleckenstein and Lynn Gregory take their furry family members for a jaunt at the former site of the Waynesville Dog ...
Plastic turf, once seen as a water-saving alternative to natural grass, contains hazardous chemicals linked to health risks ...