SAPD's top law enforcement officer said there's constant coordination with local, state and federal law enforcement partners ...
SAN ANTONIO - Despite the extremely cold weather, Monday morning's Martin Luther King Jr. March kicked off without a hitch in San Antonio. The two-and-a-half-mile route goes down MLK Drive to ...
San Antonio’s MLK March is truly one of a kind. The procession draws more than 300,000 participants each year, making it the largest Martin Luther King Jr. Day march in the entire nation.
The "Say Their Names" mural will be officially unveiled Saturday, at the starting point of San Antonio's annual MLK Day March.
SAN ANTONIO - Black History Month may be coming to a close, but a special bus tour is letting people explore San Antonio ...
Martin Luther King Jr., “Where Do We Go From Here ... Since 1986, the SA Current has served as the free, independent voice of San Antonio, and we want to keep it that way.