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A man whose mother was murdered 32 years ago in Cambridge does not agree with prosecutors who say they've made a break in the cold case. A new program in Boston is trying to improve the labor and ...
Floridians along the western Panhandle and Big Bend should be tracking the hurricane while they make last-minute hurricane preparations. Here’s a look at some hurricane trackers worth checking out.
For the latest news on Hurricane Milton, visit USA TODAY's hurricane tracker for Thursday, Oct. 10. Hurricane Milton rapidly ...
Here’s how the hurricane-tracking robots work, and how NOAA uses their data to save lives. Photo Illustration: Xingpei Shen News moves fast, and there's not always time to untangle the complex ...
“Wow, consistency is remarkable for a potential snow event down to the Gulf Coast! In my last 20 years forecasting in Louisiana and Alabama,” WTVY News4 Chief Meteorologist David Paul posted ...
According to Cavlin, they fly into winter storms for the same reason they fly into hurricanes.
Models suggest Potential Tropical Cyclone Nine will impact Florida's Gulf Coast as a Category 2 hurricane. Where is the storm that will become Helene headed? Our Tracking the Tropics team breaks ...
Hurricane distance runner Ty Steorts has pieced together an impressive prep career in both cross country and track and field ...